Carlson Oxbow Park

 Photos by Debra K Gutierrez
NW Indiana marshlands and wildlife along The Little Calumet River are serenly shielded from the hustle and bustle of our modern industrial age. Located in Hammond, Indiana.

The nature conservatory park's foot-beaten paths, bike trail, winding unvarnished wood decks, picnic table pavilions, and wide fishing docks along the river offer a naturally peaceful retreat in a close, quiet corner of the world where one can relish a sunrise, sunset, or the solitude of Mother Nature.

A perfect place to go trail hiking, bird watching, fishing, or unwind for an hour or two from the stresses of daily living.

Carlson Oxbow Park is located a few blocks East off of Kenndey Avenue by the I-80/94 Expressway in Hammond, Indiana (Across from the Indiana Welcome Center on Kennedy Avenue).